hlo user manual

Title hlo (TXL-based C optimizer)
Author Nikolaos Kavvadias



Website http://www.nkavvadias.com
Release Date 06 May 2013
Version 1.5.0
Rev. history  


First official release.



Fixes in partial and full loop unrolling, additions to canonicalization pass, added 16 PolyBench benchmarks.



Added cavity detection (cavdet) benchmark, XML change file generator.



Added files for fixing XML change files.



Converted documentation to RestructuredText; added tutorials and additional information.



Fixed bugs/issues reported: executable naming convention invalid simplification of certain expressions by Ccanon).



New arithmetic-oriented optimizations and documentation update. Removed XML change file generator.



Many updates to arithmetic optimizations. Significant documentation updates. Reworked organization of the current code base.

1. Introduction

"hlo" is a collection of C-to-C code transformation tools written in the Turing eXtender Language (TXL) (http://www.txl.ca). Each transformation is implemented as a separate executable compiled from the corresponding TXL source file.

"hlo" also includes several auxiliary files such as awk programs, C helper programs and the "kdiv" and "kmul" single constant division and multiplication optimizers.

1.1. Why TXL?

TXL provides the means for developing grammatical transformations without the need to expose internal ASTs. It also allows for agile parsing, which assists in simplifying analyses and optimizations.

2. Obtaining and setting up hlo

Autonomous hlo releases use the hlo-[lin|win]-yymmdd.tar.bz2 naming convention.

2.1 Obtaining hlo

Download hlo, the HLO (High-Level Optimizer) from the ALMA intranet:
Unarchive to a local directory
e.g. C:/cygwin/home/user for Windows/Cygwin users
/home/user for a Linux user.

2.2 Setting up optional tools

For using hlo, a Linux or Windows installation is required. For Windows, Cygwin is suggested (optional) in order to significantly ease the use of hlo.

In any case, standard Unix/Linux tools are expected:

  • bash
  • make
  • diff
  • grep
  • gawk

For Windows:

  • Go to http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
  • Download the automated web installer (setup.exe)
  • Copy it to an empty local directory (e.g. C:\temp\cygwin)
  • Click setup.exe
  • Select Install from the Internet. Make sure to select make since it might be disabled in the preselection.

Cygwin will then be setup in the C:\cygwin directory of your Windows OS.

For Linux:

  • Any recent Linux distribution should do; try using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

2.3 hlo setup

There is no actual installation procedure; the user should just unzip the hlo-[lin|win]-yymmdd.tar.bz2 archive to a local directory. Usual choices include C:/cygwin/home/user for Windows/Cygwin users and /home/user for Linux users where user is the name of the current user.

Then, change directory to /home/user/hlo. On Cygwin for instance, type: | $ cd /home/user/hlo

Set up the HLOTOP environmental variable: | $ source env.sh

You may add the /hlo/bin directory to your path: | $ export PATH=$HLOTOP/bin:$PATH

2.4. Building from sources

This subsection is relevant only to the source releases of hlo (hlo-src-yymmdd.tar.bz2). To build hlo from sources the following are required:

  1. For Linux users:
  • A typical Linux installation (bash, make)
  • A binary installation of TXL. See http://www.txl.ca (download section) for details. In short, you have to retrieve a TXL release for Linux, uncompress the archive and then run the InstallTxl script:
$ ./InstallTxl
  • Run the build script from the top-level subdirectory:
$ cd /home/user/hlo
$ ./build.sh
  1. For Windows users:
  • Windows XP SP2 or Windows 7 (untested on other systems).
  • Cygwin environment (bash, make). Cygwin can be installed via an automated web installer (setup.exe) from http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
  • A binary installation of TXL. See http://www.txl.ca (download section) for details. In short, you have to retrieve a TXL release for Windows (Cygwin release is proposed), uncompress the archive and then run the InstallTxl script:
$ ./InstallTxl
  • Run the build script from the top-level subdirectory of hlo:
$ cd /home/user/hlo
$ ./build.sh

3. File listing

The hlo distribution includes the following files. Files denoted by a capital S are not available in binary releases of hlo:

/hlo Top-level directory

S build.sh

S clean.sh






Build script for HLO (source only).

Cleaning/removal script for HLO (source only).

Cleans up the /log subdirectory.

Script to clean up debris in the /suite subdirectory.

Script to setup the environment (use as: source env.sh)

The main script for using HLO transformations.

Simple script to exercise the test suite.

/hlo/bin Binaries' directory







Executables for applying code transformations (45 files).

Run scripts for specific code transformations (12 files).

Cygwin DLL for standalone operation on Windows.

Lexer for flattening initialization of C arrays.

The core executable of the constant division optimizer.

The core executable of the constant multiplication optimizer.

specialpows.exe Helper executable for generating TXL rule namings for division and modulo optimizations for specific constants related to powers-of-2.
transform.sh Common script for a number of C-to-C transformations.
/hlo/doc Documentation
hlo-flow.dot Graphviz/DOT file representing a simple proposed flow for using HLO transformations.
hlo-flow.png PNG image showing a graphical view of using HLO transformations.






Complete file listing of the source distribution.

This file.

README for the TXL GnuC grammar (verbatim copy).

HTML version of README.

PDF version of README.

/hlo/log Empty directory by default; it is populated by the generated files from running test scripts from /scripts.
/hlo/scripts Scripts' directory
run-c*.sh Test scripts that exercise specific code transformations using small test cases from the /tests subdirectory (25 files).
/hlo/src Source directory with subdirectories for ANSI C, lex, yacc, awk, kdiv, kmul and TXL
S /hlo/src/ansic Directory for ANSI C, lex and yacc sources
flattenarrinit.l Lexer for flattening optimizations of multidimensional arrays in C.



Makefile for building the flattenarrinit lexer.

Generator of TXL rule names and invocations for specific cases of division and modulo optimization.

specialpows.mk Makefile for building the flattenarrinit lexer.
/hlo/src/awk Directory for awk sources



Removes blank (empty) lines.

Removes duplicate lines.

/hlo/src/kdiv Directory for kdiv sources
* Consult /hlo/src/kdiv/README for more details.
/hlo/src/kmul Directory for kmul sources
* Consult /hlo/src/kmul/README for more details.
/hlo/src/txl Directory for TXL sources



The TXL GnuC grammar (minor changes against txl.ca).

GnuC grammar extensions for expression, declaration and statement attributes.


S C*.Txl


Pure ANSI C TXL grammar that is not used.

TXL source code for each code transformation (45 files).

C header file with some common macros.

/hlo/suite Test suite directory
*.c The hlo test suite. Includes 12 applications (divider, eda, edgedet, fir, fsme, mandel, matmult, mc, rcdct, sierpinski, sumarray, tssme). Additionally, some PolyBench applications have been included: 2mm, 3mm, atax, bicg, doitgen, dynprog, gemm, gesummv, mvt, symm, syrk, trmm.
/hlo/tests Regression tests directory
*.c Small test cases for use with the scripts in the /scripts subdirectory.

4. Supported transformations

Currently, three kinds of transformations are supported: generic restructuring transformations, loop-specific and arithmetic-oriented optimizations.

4.1 Generic restructuring transformations

The first category (generic restructuring transformations - GRT) comprise of the following:

C transformation to flatten definitions and uses of 2-dimensional and
3-dimensional C arrays into single-dimensional arrays. In order to also
flatten array initializations the /hlo/src/ansic/flattenarrinit.l
lexer must be used.
KNOWN ISSUES: In order for an array to be flattened, its declaration
should be syntactically visible in the same C source file. For arrays
declared externally, an extern declaration should be used.
simple code canonicalizations (removing i++, i--, ++i, --i, +=, -=, *=, /= etc idioms).
combines consecutive C assignments using the comma separator.
performs common subexpression elimination.
KNOWN ISSUES: This is currently Work-In-Progress (WIP).
C transformation to convert from NAC to ANSI C data types. This version
applies for splitted declarations (a single declaration per line).
C transformation to convert from ANSI C to NAC data types. This version
applies for splitted declarations (a single declaration per line).
C transformation to convert from NAC to ANSI C data types. This version
applies to occurences of the [type_specifier] grammar type. It is
expected to apply more generally than Cconvfromnactypes.
C transformation to convert from ANSI C to NAC data types. This version
applies to occurences of the [type_specifier] grammar type. It is
expected to apply more generally than Cconvtonactypes.
splits C assignments that are combined using the comma separator.
Syntactic conversion of do-while into for loops.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expect an index increment of the form Ix = Ix + Expr.
Syntactic conversion of for into do-while loops.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expect an index increment of the form Ix = Ix + Expr.
Syntactic conversion of for into while loops.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expect an index increment of the form Ix = Ix + Expr.
The index initialization assignment immediately preceeds the while statement.
Extract function definitions (and bodies) from single-translation unit C files.
C transformation for replacing function by macro calls.
a parser for the supported C grammar with GNU extensions; it is technically a "neutral" transformation since it only parses and does not transform the input source file.
TXL transformation to remove unused declarations in a C program.
statement devectorization transformations. Splits vectorized C statements (multiple independent C statements, concatenated by commas).
split function scope variable declarations.
statement vectorization transformations. Concatenates multiple independent C statements to a single comma-separated statement.
TXL transformation to move all (localvar) declarations in a C program to the
earliest position in the current scope.
TXL transformation to move all (localvar) declarations in a C program to their
most local location prior their definition.
TXL transformation to move all (localvar) declarations in a C program to the
most local location in the current function scope. The result is a syntactic
form of C that is not compatible with the standard. It is meant to be used as
an intermediate form for easing the application of data-flow queries and
simple data-flow analyses.
syntactic conversion of while into for loops
KNOWN ISSUES: Expect an index increment of the form Ix = Ix + Expr. The index initialization assignment immediately preceeds the while statement.

4.2 Loop-specific optimizations

The second category (loop-specific optimizations - LSO) comprise of the following:

Alter the boundaries of loop by adding an offset.
PARAMETERS: offset, step
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects a final loop bound expression of the form: Ix <= Expr.
Combines nested loops into a single loop, reducing to a single induction variable, and computing the indices from that variable.
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects a final loop bound expression of the form: Ix <= Expr or Ix < Expr. Only usable following loop normalization.
Extends the boundaries of a loop to a lower initial and a higher final boundary value.
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects a loop increment expression of the form: Ix = Ix + Expr.
Fully unroll a loop, so that all control overhead is eliminated.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expects loops of the form for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1), i.e. normalized loops. A single statement is expected within the loop body.
Loop fusion merges two loops into one loop containing both of the initial loop bodies. The two loops must have equivalent bounds.
KNOWN ISSUES: Only fuses adjacent loops. Computes conservative statement dependencies.
Converts arbitrary loops into well-behaved loops, i.e. loops for which the induction variable starts at 0 (or any constant) and get incremented by one at every iteration until the exit condition is met.
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects loops of the form for (i = Expr1 ; i < Expr2 ; i = i + Expr3). Cannot be applied to function call arguments. Loop indices should be first copied to temporary variables via explicit copies (see main() from suite/eda.c example).
Partially unroll a loop, to the extend provided by the unroll factor.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expects loops of the form for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1), i.e. normalized loops. A single statement is expected within the loop body.
This transformation is essentially the reverse of loop extension since it tries to maximize the initial and minimize the final boundary values of the loop.
KNOWN ISSUES: Expects an if-condition of the form: i >= Expr1 && i < Expr2.
Reverses the iteration direction of a loop.
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects loops of the form: for (i = Expr1; i [>=|>] Expr2 ; i = i - Expr3).
Loop unswitching is applied when a loop body contains control code, which evaluates a condition that is invariant. In this case the condition and corresponding control code is transferred in the exterior of the loop.
KNOWN ISSUES: Applicable to innermost loops. Expects that a single statement can be placed at the start the loop body and prior the if/if-else statement.
A restricted form of loop tiling that partitions the loop's iteration into smaller blocks. The following loop has been blocked with a block of size B.
PARAMETERS: tilesize
KNOWN ISSUES: Only applicable to innermost loops. Expects loops of the form: for (i = Expr1; i < Expr2; i = i + Expr3).

4.3 Arithmetic-specific optimizations

The third category (arithmetic-specific optimizations - ASO) comprise of the following:

Algebraic optimizations for div and mod.
Optimize special cases for power-of-two denominators.
C transformation to incorporate superoptimized short instruction sequences.
Currently this includes abs (absolute value), min (minimum of two quantities)
and max (maximum of two quantities).
C transformation to incorporate calls to constant division routines.
C transformation to incorporate calls to constant multiplication routines.
Polynomial evaluation optimization using Estrin's scheme.
KNOWN ISSUES: Syntactic transformations for polynomials of up to the 8th order.
Polynomial evaluation optimization using Horner's scheme.
KNOWN ISSUES: Syntactic transformations for polynomials of up to the 8th order.

5. Optimization flow

Fig. hlo-flow illustrates a possible optimization flow using TXL passes. Certain decisions in this flow regard the ordering of transformations, since e.g. loop coalescing prerequisites loop normalization. It should be noted that strip mining eliminates chances for loop unrolling, and should not be applied unconditionally to static loops. Further, it is not meaningful to both use partial and full loop unrolling. User decisions also involve the proper selection of tile size, vector size and unroll factor values by editing hlo.sh. Since many of these transformations produce unoptimized expressions, a code canonicalization pass is re-applied following most transformations.


A possible loop-level optimization flow.

6. hlo usage

6.1 Using hlo.sh

hlo is typically used via the hlo.sh bash script.

This script invokes a series of generally applicable code transformations. For example, in order to transform user file myloops.c to myloops.opt.c, the user should do the following:

$ ./hlo.sh myloops.c myloops.opt.c

When invoked properly, the hlo.sh will produce minimal diagnostic printout such as:

:: Canonicalization Split local declarations While-to-for conversion Do-while-to-for conversion Loop normalization Loop reduction Loop coalescing Statement vectorization

The user should define three basic parameters in the hlo.sh script:

  • TILESIZE: size for the basic tile regarding strip mining (default: 8).
  • UNROLLFACTOR: unroll factor for loop unrolling (default: 8).
  • VECTSIZE: size of the vectored statements (default: 8).

The user is responsible for setting these parameters to meaningful values.

6.2 Without using hlo.sh

Access to a single code transformation can be performed into two ways: either through the corresponding /hlo/bin/*.sh script or by directly accessing the transformation executable.

  1. Example using the dedicated run scripts (assuming testing the /suite files).
$ cd bin
$ ./csvect.sh 2 ../suite/eda.c ../log/eda.vectorized.c
  1. Example directly using the C*.exe executables.
$ cd bin
$ ./Csvect2.exe ../suite/eda.c >& ../log/eda.vectorized.c

Also, you can use the "-help" switch to get context-specific help for each transformation:

$ ./cstripmining.sh -help

Certain executables have additional options. Code transformations without any runtime parameter, require only specifying the input and output source files, and can be accessed through the transform.sh script.

For instance, to apply for-to-while transformations, the transform.sh script should be used as follows:

$ ${HLOTOP}/bin/transform.sh fortowhile ${HLOTOP}/suite/sumarray.c ${HLOTOP}/suite/sumarray.f2w.c

As a coding guideline proper bracing of for statements is suggested. for statements that donnot use proper bracing may not be visible to certain transformations.

7. Running the basic tests

The basic tests under the /tests subdirectory can be exercised by running corresponding test scripts:

$ cd $HLOTOP
$ cd scripts
$ ./run-ccanon.sh
$ ./run-csvect.sh
$ ./run-carrayflatten.sh
$ ...

Results are produced in the /log subdirectory and the following can be used:

$ cd ../log
$ cat canon1-out.c

to see the optimized version of canon1.c.

Use diff or similar tools to obtain the textual changes between source files:

$ diff tests/canon1.c log/canon1-out.c

8. Running the test suite

A more comprehensive test suite using PolyBench kernels is found in the /suite subdirectory. These C source files can be exercised by running the top-level run-suite.sh script.

$ cd $HLOTOP
$ ./run-suite.sh

This suite preprocesses, compiles and runs both the unoptimized (*-ref.c) and optimized (*-opt.c) versions of each test suite file. Results of running the benchmarks are logged to *-ref.txt and *-opt.txt, respectively. Any differences are automatically logged to the standard output.

9. Tutorials

9.1 Enable full and disable partial loop unrolling

The user can always switch off specific transformations and rearrange the order of others. To do this, first open hlo.sh with your favorite ASCII text editor (e.g. gedit, geany would do).

Then, e.g. to disable partial loop unrolling, comment the following lines:

#echo "Partial loop unrolling"
#${HLOTOP}/bin/clooppartialunrolling.sh ${P_UNROLLFACTOR} temp.1 temp.2
#cp -f temp.2 temp.1

To enable a specific transformation, e.g. full loop unrolling, uncomment the corresponding lines:

#echo "Full loop unrolling"
${HLOTOP}/bin/cloopfullunrolling.sh ${P_UNROLLFACTOR} temp.1 temp.2
cp -f temp.2 temp.1

9.2 Run an optimized gemm.c

We now have a modified hlo.sh script.

Let's run all the necessary steps to transform, compile and execute gemm.c (as gemm-opt.c).

Here it is assumed that the user already has a preprocessed gemm-ref.c in the /hlo/suite dir, which we can compile:

$ gcc -DTEST -DPRINT -DDATA_TYPE=int -DDATE_PRINTF_MODIFIER=\"%d-\" -Wall -O3 -o gemm-ref gemm-ref.c

hlo.sh is invoked to optimize the preprocessed source:

$ ${HLOTOP}/hlo.sh gemm-ref.c gemm-opt.c

The optimized, source, gemm-opt.c is then compiled:

$ gcc -DTEST -DPRINT -DDATA_TYPE=int -DDATE_PRINTF_MODIFIER=\"%d-\" -Wall -O3 -o gemm-opt gemm-opt.c

Both ref and opt versions can be executed to produce printouts:

$ gemm-ref >& gemm-ref.txt
$ gemm-opt >& gemm-opt.txt

The generated text files can be compared using diff. Since diff does not report any differences, the diagnostic printouts are identical:

$ ls -la gemm-*.txt
-rw-r--r--+ 1  nkavvadias None 712056 2012-06-07 22:35 gemm-opt.txt
-rw-r--r--+ 1  nkavvadias None 712056 2012-06-07 22:34 gemm-ref.txt
$ diff gemm-ref.txt gemm-opt.txt

The effect of loop coalescing is clearly visible in the following snippet as found in lines 14-28 of gemm-opt.c.

int i_coalesced1;
for (i_coalesced1 = 0; i_coalesced1 < 65536;
  i_coalesced1 = i_coalesced1 + 1) {
  i = i_coalesced1 / 256, j = i_coalesced1 % 256;
  A[i][j] = ((int) i * j) / 256;
int i_coalesced2;
for (i_coalesced2 = 0; i_coalesced2 < 65536;
  i_coalesced2 = i_coalesced2 + 1) {
  i = i_coalesced2 / 256, j = i_coalesced2 % 256;
  B[i][j] = ((int) i * j + 1) / 256;
int i_coalesced3;
for (i_coalesced3 = 0; i_coalesced3 < 65536;
  i_coalesced3 = i_coalesced3 + 1) {
  i = i_coalesced3 / 256, j = i_coalesced3 % 256;
  C[i][j] = ((int) i * j + 2) / 256;

The application of full loop unrolling is also visible, e.g. in lines 50-307 of gemm-opt.c.

  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][0] * B[0][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][1] * B[1][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][2] * B[2][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][3] * B[3][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][4] * B[4][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][5] * B[5][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][6] * B[6][j];
  C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][7] * B[7][j];

9.3 Changing the unroll factor

The unroll factor (defined as P_UNROLLFACTOR) in the hlo.sh script is meaningful when using partial loop unrolling.

The user can edit hlo.sh to set the unroll factor to 4 by changing the corresponding entry:


The hlo.sh script is then edited again in order to disable full loop unrolling and to enable partial loop unrolling.

# Full loop unrolling
# NOTE1: Either use full loop unrolling or partial loop unrolling
echo "Full loop unrolling"
${HLOTOP}/bin/transform.sh loopfullunrolling temp.1 temp.2
cp -f temp.2 temp.1
# Partial loop unrolling
#echo "Partial loop unrolling"
#${HLOTOP}/bin/clooppartialunrolling.sh ${P_UNROLLFACTOR} temp.1 temp.2
#cp -f temp.2 temp.1
${HLOTOP}/bin/transform.sh canon temp.1 temp.2
cp -f temp.2 temp.1

The effect of partial loop unrolling with an unroll factor of 4 is visible in the following optimized main(argc,argv) function:

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, j, k;
  init_array ();
  int i_coalesced4;
  for (i_coalesced4 = 0; i_coalesced4 < 65536;
    i_coalesced4 = i_coalesced4 + 1) {
      i = i_coalesced4 / 256, j = i_coalesced4 % 256;
      C[i][j] *= beta;
      for (k = 0; k < 256 - (3);) {
          C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
          k = k + 1;
          C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
          k = k + 1;
          C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
          k = k + 1;
          C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
          k = k + 1;
      for (; k < 256; k = k + 1) {
          C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
  print_array ();
  return 0;

9.4 Use array flattening

The 3D-to-1D and 2D-to-1D array flattening optimizations are implemented by Carrayflatten.Txl (TXL source for flattening array expressions) and flattenarrinit.l (lexer for flattening initializations).

A simple test case for exercising this transformation can be found in /tests, namely matrix1.c. To produce transformed code for this test, the corresponding script from /scripts can be used:


The optimized file is located in /hlo/log and is named matrix1-out.c.

For instance, array declarations and initializations in matrix1.c:

int karr[2][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
int iarr[2][3];
double darr[II][JJ][KK];
char carr[II][2] = {{'A', 'L'},{'M', 'A'}};
float farr[3][5] = {{ 1.1,  1.2,  1.3, -1.4, -1.5},
                    { 2.1,  2.2, -2.3,  2.4,  2.5},
                    {-3.1, -3.2, -3.3,  3.4,  3.5}};
int earr[2][2][2] = {{{1,2},{3,4}},{{5,6},{7,8}}};

are converted to:

int karr [2*3]={1,2,3,4,5,6};
int iarr [2*3];
double darr [II *JJ *KK ];
char carr [II *2]={'A','L','M','A'};
float farr [3*5]={1.1,1.2,1.3,-1.4,-1.5,
int earr [2*2*2]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

The following two loop nests expose various expressions using 2D and 3D arrays:

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    iarr[i][j] = add(karr[i][j], j);

for (i = 0; i < II; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < JJ; j++) {
    for (k = 0; k < KK; k++) {
      darr[i][j][k] = (i + j + j + 2.0) / 3.0;

The corresponding transformed nests are as follows:

for (i=0; i<2; i++){
  for (j=0; j<3; j++){
    iarr [i*3+j] = add (karr [i*3+j], j);

for (i=0; i<II ; i++){
  for (j=0; j<JJ ; j++){
    for (k=0; k<KK ; k++){
      darr [i*JJ*KK + j*KK + k]=(i+j+j+2.0)/3.0;

9.5 Apply algebraic identities for modulo optimization

Transformation passes Calgdivmod and Calgdivmodspecial deal with optimizing expressions involving modulo computations.

Calgdivmod applies a number of algebraic simplifications, e.g. for replacing constants moduli with smaller ones.

The test case algdivmod1.c exercises all currently implemented identities. To produce transformed code for these tests, the corresponding scripts from /scripts can be used:


As an example, the following expressions:

a = ((f1) * x + (f2)) % x;
b = ((f1) * x + (f2)) / x;
a = (2*(f1) + 3*(f2)) % 5;
b = (2*(f1) + 3*(f2)) / 5;
a = (2*(f1)*x + (f2)) % (5*x);
b = (2*(f1)*x + (f2)) / (5*x);

are converted to:


Transformation Calgdivmodspecial produces optimized code for specific cases of division and modulo by constant, specifically for powers-of-2. In this case, the following assignments:

a = (f1+1) / 4 + 1;
b = (f2+2) % 4 + 0;
a = (f1) / 16777216 + 1;
b = (f2) % 16777216 + 0;
aa = (unsigned long long int)(f1+1) / 9223372036854775808 + 1;
bb = (unsigned long long int)(f2+2) % 9223372036854775808 + 0;

are converted to:

aa=(unsigned long long int)(f1+1)/9223372036854775808+1;
bb=(unsigned long long int)(f2+2)%9223372036854775808+0;

The resulting code uses macro-expansions for computing the logical AND and logical left shift (SHL). These macros are defined in /hlo/src/txl/macros.h.

9.6 Low-level superoptimizations

Superoptimization basically involves the generation of optimal code sequences (usually loop-free) based on exhaustive search of the solution space. While superoptimization itself presents super-exponential time complexity, optimized sequences for short frequently-used straight line code segments are known.

Clowlevelopt replaces occurences of arithmetic expressions and/or function calls for frequently-used computations such as absolute value, minimum and maximum by corresponding superoptimized sequences.

To produce transformed code for the included test cases, use the following:


The test cases lowlevelopt1.c and lowlevelopt2.c exercise various expressions involving abs, min and max. In their initial, pre-optimized form, a sample set of assignments is as follows:

int a, a1, a2;
int b, b1, b2;
int c, c1, c2;
int d, d1, d2;
long long int aa, aa1, aa2;
long long int bb, bb1, bb2;
long long int dd, dd1, dd2;
c = abs(a);
d = min(a, b);
dd2 = max(aa2, bb2);

are converted to:

signed int a, b;
signed int c, c_t2, c_t3;
signed int a1, b1;
signed int c1, c1_t2, c1_t3, c1_t4;
signed long long int aa2, bb2;
signed long long int cc2, cc2_t2, cc2_t3, cc2_t4;




In this version, additive, subtractive, multiplicative and other complex expressions as function arguments are not supported for optimization.

9.7 Constant multiplication optimization

Ckmulopt replaces multiplications by constant by calls to corresponding multiplierless routines and incorporates the routines themselves into the resulting transformed code.

To produce transformed code for the included test case named kmuldiv1.c, the corresponding script can be used:


As of current, three-address code like assignments can be transformed, as can be seen below. First, the initial code segment is shown:

int func1(int);
int func2(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int a, b, c, d, e;
a = atoi(argv[1]);
b = a * 3;
c = b / 11;
d = func1(c) * 17;
e = d + func2() / 7;
return (c+d+e);}

The resulting code is as follows:

int func1(int);
int func2(void);

int main(int argc,char*argv[]){
  signed int a, b, c, d, e;
  a=atoi (argv[1]);
  b=kmul_s32_p_3 (a);
  d=func1 (c)*17;
  e=d+func2 ()/7;

signed int kmul_s32_p_3(signed int x){
  signed int t0, t1, t2;
  signed int y;

9.8 Constant division optimization

Ckdivopt replaces divisions by constant by calls to corresponding divisionless routines and incorporates the routines themselves into the resulting transformed code.

To produce transformed code for the included test case named kmuldiv1.c, the corresponding script can be used from within /hlo/scripts:


As of current, three-address code like assignments can be transformed, as can be seen below.

For the same initial code segment as in the case of constant multiplication optimization, the following code is produced:

int func1(int);
int func2(void);

int main(int argc,char*argv[]){
  signed int a, b, c, d, e;
  a=atoi (argv[1]);
  c=kdiv_s32_p_11 (b);
  d=func1 (c)*17;
  e=d+func2 ()/7;

signed int kdiv_s32_p_11(signed int n){
  signed int q,M=780903145,c;
  signed long long int t,u,v;
  t=(signed long long int)M*(signed long long int)n;

9.9 Optimization by Horner scheme

Syntactic transformations of polynomial expressions to optimized forms are still work in progress. However, Chornerpolyopt applies such transformations to explicit polynomials, up to the 8th degree. This covers must usual cases of polynomial expressions, as in computer graphics (where quartic and quintic polynomials are often used).

To produce transformed code for the included test case named polyopt1.c, the corresponding script can be used from within /hlo/scripts:


First, the initial code segment is shown:

f1 = 1 + x;
f2 = 1 + 2*x + x*x;
f3 = 1 + 2*x + x*x + 3*x*x*x;
f4 = 5 + 2*x + x*x + 3*x*x*x - 4*x*x*x*x;
f5 = 0 + 2*x + x*x - 11*x*x*x + x*x*x*x - x*x*x*x*x;

The resulting code is as follows:


10. Known problems and issues

There are certain known problems regarding this release of hlo. For most cases, a solution will be developed in the immediate future.

Known issues:

  1. Loop fusion requires that the user checks that data dependencies are respected.
  2. Loop unswitching is currently being fixed.
  3. Certain transformations generate variables in local C scope. This is acceptable C99 practice, but is not supported by some C89 compilers, such as the HP VEX compiler. This means that e.g. strip mining should be avoid for VEX compilation.
  4. Comments are not maintained through transformation passes.
PROPOSED SOLUTION: Reworking the GnuC grammar to a robust grammar that
allows comments as unknown/unparseable statements.
  1. Loop unrolling (partial, full) works on single statement loop bodies.
  2. hlo follows the C.Grm GNU C grammar with minor changes. In case of user code that appears non-compliant, please check first against the plain TXL-based parser, e.g.:
$ Cparse.exe test.c
  1. It is suggested that proper bracing is used for while, for and do-while statements.
  2. Macros from macros.h are not yet automatically incorporated in resulting files.
  3. Clowlevelopt.Txl needs to be expanded for taking account further superoptimized code sequences.
  4. Clowlevelopt.Txl does not yet optimize functions with complex expressions as function arguments.
  5. Ckmulopt and Ckdivopt expect operations by constant in a three-address code like form.

11. Contact

You may contact me for further questions/suggestions/corrections at:

Nikolaos Kavvadias <nkavv@uop.gr>
Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Peloponnese
Tripoli, Greece