Title | instrmix (Instruction mix extraction pass for Machine SUIF) |
Author | Nikolaos Kavvadias 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 |
Contact | nikos@nkavvadias.com |
Website | http://www.nkavvadias.com |
Release Date | 23 September 2014 |
Version | 1.1.1 |
Rev. history | |
v1.1.1 | 2014-09-23 Updated headers in all source code files. Added File Listing section in README; new files AUTHORS, LICENSE and VERSION. |
v1.1.0 | 2014-02-24 Changed documentation format to RestructuredText. |
v1.0.0 | 2004-07-18 Initial release. |
instrmix is an analysis pass that generates the SUIFvm (SUIF virtual machine) instruction mix for a given input source file. A textual report is written to file instr_mix_report.rpt.
Instructions are categorized as follows:
This pass works for the SUIF virtual machine instruction set (SUIFvm). Also, the instrmix pass has been tested with MachSUIF
The instrmix distribution includes the following files:
/instrmix | Top-level directory |
AUTHORS | List of instrmix authors. |
LICENSE | The modified BSD license governs instrmix. |
README.rst | This file. |
README.html | HTML version of README. |
README.pdf | PDF version of README. |
VERSION | Current version of the project sources. |
instrmix.cpp | Implementation of the instrmix pass. |
instrmix.h | C++ header file containing declarations and prototypes for the above. |
rst2docs.sh | Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions of the documentation (README). |
suif_main.cpp | Entry point for building the standalone program do_instrmix that implements the pass. |
suif_pass.cpp | Define the SUIF pass built as the dynamically loadable library libinstrmix.so. |
suif_main.h | C++ header file for the above. |
utils.h | C header file with implementations of auxiliary functions. |
Unpack the instrmix archive wherever you like, e.g. in $MACHSUIFHOME/instrmix. You don't need to modify anything in the Makefile, if you have a working MachSUIF 2 installation.
The program binary (do_instrmix) will be installed at $NCIHOME/bin and the shared library (libinstrmix.so) at $NCIHOME/solib, where NCIHOME is the SUIF 2 top-level directory.
The pass accepts an input file in CFG form to operate. You don't have to define any output files since their naming convention has been hardwired.
Usage synopsys: