loopstr user manual

Title loopstr (Natural loop analysis pass for Machine-SUIF)
Author Nikolaos Kavvadias 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Contact nikos@nkavvadias.com
Website http://www.nkavvadias.com
Release Date 25 September 2014
Version 1.1.1
Rev. history  


Updated headers in all source code files. Added File Listing section in README; new files AUTHORS, LICENSE and VERSION; renamed README to README.rst.



Changed documentation format to RestructuredText.



Initial release.

1. Introduction

loopstr is an analysis pass built to be used with the SUIF2/MachSUIF2 compiler infrastructure. This pass generates a textual representation for the loop structure of each given C procedure.

This pass uses the cfa library of MachSUIF. What it actually generates is the natural loop analysis report for the procedure. The format of such file is shown below:

Loop info:
  node depth begin end exit
   int: int   Y/N  Y/N  Y/N


the number of the corresponding basic block (integer)
the loop nesting depth (integer)
a boolean flag to report if a loop begins at the specified node
a boolean flag to report if a loop ends at the specified node
a boolean flag to report if an exit from the loop is possible from that node.

This pass works for the SUIFvm instruction set as well as other MachSUIF backends. The loopstr pass has been tested with MachSUIF

2. File listing

The loopstr distribution includes the following files:

/loopstr Top-level directory
AUTHORS List of loopstr authors.
LICENSE The modified BSD license governs loopstr.
README.rst This file.
README.html HTML version of README.
README.pdf PDF version of README.
VERSION Current version of the project sources.
loopstr.cpp Implementation of the loopstr pass.
loopstr.h C++ header file containing declarations and prototypes for the above.
rst2docs.sh Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions of the documentation (README).
suif_main.cpp Entry point for building the standalone program do_loopstr that implements the pass.
suif_pass.cpp Define the SUIF pass built as the dynamically loadable library libloopstr.so.
suif_main.h C++ header file for the above.

3. Installation

Unpack the loopstr archive wherever you like, e.g. in $MACHSUIFHOME/cfa/loopstr. You don't need to modify anything in the Makefile, if you have a working MachSUIF 2 installation.

The program binary (do_loopstr) will be installed at $NCIHOME/bin and the shared library (libloopstr.so) at $NCIHOME/solib, where NCIHOME is the SUIF 2 top-level directory.

4. Usage details

The pass accepts an input file in CFG form to operate. Textual output is generated, written to stdout by default.

Usage synopsys: | $ do_loopstr test.cfg