palutils user manual

Title palutils (Image and palette utilities for embedded systems design).
Author Nikolaos Kavvadias 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Release Date 24 February 2014
Version 1.0.0
Rev. history  


Converted documentation to RestructuredText format. Cleaned up directory organization and removed generated files. Upgraded to version 1.0.0.



Added "-manhattan" and "-chessboard" options for calculating the Manhattan and chessboard distances (non- Euclidean geometries) of greyscale images. Considered experimental.



Added "-epx" option for "Eric's Pixel eXpansion" image scaling filter.



Added "-c27" option (27-color image format).



Documentation (README) fixes.



First public release.

1. Introduction

palutils (palette and image utilities) is a collection of handy tools for processing of image files (mainly 8-bit indexed palette bitmaps). Its main focus is on the usage of image files in small-scale embedded systems.

Currently, the palutils collection consists of the following programs:

translates a BMP file to various formats such as a hex dump or an ANSI C unsigned int array.
generates a VHDL file of a memory initialized to the BMP image data. The VHDL memory can be mapped to a block RAM (automatically inferred in most modern Xilinx FPGA devices).
generates all 256-color palette encodings that can be represented using only the index encodings relations (of the image data). The number of r (red), g (green) and b (blue) levels of color are associated by the equation: rlev x glev x blev = 256. Acceptable values for the number of levels are: {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}. There exist 21 unique subsets of this form.
generates palettes from a predefined set of selections.
the homonymous program provides several generation, conversion, translation and dumping facilities for 8-bit indexed palette and 256-level greyscale bitmap (BMP) image files.

2. File listing

The palutils distribution includes the following files:
/palutils Top-level directory
/doc Documentation directory
AUTHORS List of palutils authors.
BUGS Bug list.
ChangeLog A log for code changes.
COPYING The GPL, version 2, which governs palutils
NEWS Development news for the palutils project.
README This file.
README.html HTML version of README.
README.pdf PDF version of README. Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions.
THANKS Acknowledgements.
TODO A list of future enhancements.
VERSION Current version of the project sources.
/scripts Scripts directory Generate greyscale images using the generating function: f(x,y) = x binop y Initialize a VHDL ROM/RAM memory from a BMP file. Generate pseudo-chaotic black-and-white images based on a trick function by Donald E. Knuth (TAOCP, Vol. 4, Bitwise Tricks and Techniques). Convert an image dump file to a Windows bitmap (BMP). Convert a "traditional" image dump file (using either the C8 or the C27 format to a BMP file. Generate fractal images. Generate pseudocolor images for 256-level greyscale images. Produce "lens-distorted" image. Create a font character ROM. Produce "negative" image. Generate pseudocolor images by applying a rotation effect. Generate random walk images. Apply the "Sepia" filtering effect on 256-color palette images.
/src Source code directory
bmp2any.c Bitmap file converter to a number of output formats.
genpalette.c Generates palettes from a predefined selection set. The generated palettes are compatible with GIMP and mtpaint.
genpltenc.c Generates all 256-color palette encodings that can be represented using only the index encodings relations (of the image data).
memgen.c Program/data memory generator (Block-RAM based).
palutils.c Image and palette utilities for embedded systems design.
/tests Main test files directory
/tests/bitmaps Included bitmap (BMP) files for testing
*.bmp Various BMP images.
/tests/bitmaps Included bitmap (BMP) files for testing
*.bmp Various BMP images.
/tests/fonts Font collection as BMP files
*.bmp The OEM, S8x16 and XL fonts as BMP files.
/tests/hexdumps Hex dumps generated from the font BMP files
*.txt Hexadecimal dumps for the OEM, S8x16 and XL fonts.
/tests/imgdumps Image ASCII dump files
*.txt ASCII dump files from raster images, mostly in the C8 and C27 custom formats.
/tests/palettes Palette files
*.txt Sample GPL files for GIMP and mtpaint.

3. Palutils usage

The palutils program can be invoked with several options (see complete options listing below). The usual tasks that can be accomplished with palutils are:

palutils can be invoked as:

$./palutils [options]

The complete palutils options listing:

Print this help.
Enable debug output.
Enable quiet run. (unimplemented)
Replace an imported or BMP file palette.
Keep the existing palette of an imported BMP file.
Donnot use palette; encode instead an RGB value (R:3-bits,G:3-bits,B:2-bits).
Convert bitmap data to use a palette. Valid values for char: c (color), g (grey). Valid values for num: {8,256}.
-lev-<chroma> <num>
Indicates that the chromatic components are to be subsampled (when creating the palette) by a power-of-2 factor. All three factors myst be specified, otherwise the defaults {4,8,8} are used. The product of the three factors must yield 256. Valid values of chroma: {r,g,b}. Valid integer factors: {1,2,3,4,5,6}.
Balance the values of the chromatic components so that min (0x00) and max (0xFF) are always included.
Colorize a greyscale image with colors from a specified palette.
Dump generated palette to VHDL ROM.
Instantiate vendor-specific resources for implementing the palette ROM. Choices: {xilinx}. (unimplemented)
-u <file>
Import VHDL image data dump.
Read image data dump values as in <mode>. Value options: <mode>={hex (default),int}.
Accept traditional format of 8/27-color VHDL image data dump.
-x <num>
Read X-dimension size of input image.
-y <num>
Read Y-dimension size of input image.
-s <num>
Factor for scaling the output image.
-i <file>
Import palette data from file.
-o <file>
Export palette data to file.
-b <file>
Read bitmap from file.
-e <file>
Write bitmap to file.
-cmap <file>
Write the colormap (as in NetPBM parlance) to a BMP. The colormap depicts the palette of a 256-color bitmap.

Here follow some simple usage examples of palutils.

  1. Generate a 256-level greyscale BMP file from a VHDL memory dump (containing hex values in the range 0-255).
$ ./palutils -g256 -x 320 -y 400 -u dmem.txt -e dmem.bmp
  1. Colorization of a greyscale image (monochrome or 256-level) by a given input palette (random assignment of colors). The resulting image is exported as a BMP file as well.
$ ./palutils -colorize -x 320 -y 200 -i ${colormap}.gpl -b ${img}.bmp -e \
`` recolored_${img}_${cmappix}.bmp``
  1. Change the palette of a 256-color bitmap file with a user-supplied (or automatically generated) palette. The image data of the bitmap file are altered accordingly.
$ ./palutils -<char><num> -x <x-dim> -y <y-dim> -b ${imgin}.bmp -e ${imgout}.bmp
where for example:
  1. Change the palette of a 256-color bitmap file with a user-supplied (or automatically generated) palette. The image data of the bitmap file are altered accordingly. In addition, generate a VHDL file for palette (with the name: ${imgin}.bmp.vhd).
$ ./palutils -<char><num> -vhdl -b ${imgin}.bmp -e ${imgout}.bmp

4. bmp2any usage

The bmp2any utility extracts the image data from a bitmap (BMP) file and dumps them to the specified format. bmp2any can be invoked as follows:

$ ./bmp2any [options] -i <infile> -o <outfile>

with the following options:

Generate an image data dump for the BMP data.
Generate a hex dump for the BMP data.
Generate a C array for the BMP data (default).
Generate assembly directives for the .data segment.

Usually, bmp2any is used for generating a hex dump of the image data contents of a BMP file. This can be done with the following command:

$ ./bmp2any -x -i ${img}.bmp -o ${img}.data

5. memgen usage

The memgen utility converts a hex dump to an initialized block RAM. It can be used for initializing block RAMs with BMP image data. memgen` is inspired but does not share any code with the ram_image utility of the Plasma (mlite) processor soft-core distribution at the OpenCores website.

memgen can be invoked as follows:

$ ./memgen [options] <in_data.txt> <out.vhd>

with the following options:

Print this help.
-s <num>
Aggregate size of memory storage.
-l <num>
Program/data word size.
Generate memory for program storage.
Generate memory for data storage.
Generate VHDL package for monitoring RAM memory signals (one for each memory block).
Generate multiple entities in VHDL dump.
Generate a single block RAM.
Generate VHDL for byte-wide access memory.
Generate VHDL for word-wide access memory.

The following example generates a VHDL package containing the signal declarations and initializations for the data that are stored in the block RAM(s).

$ ./memgen -s 131072 -p -m -b ${img}.data ${img}_data.vhd

6. genpalette usage

The genpalette utility generates palettes from a predefined set of possible selections. The generated palettes are compatible with GIMP and mtPaint.

genpalette can be invoked as follows:

$ ./genpalette [options] -o <outfile.gpl>

with the following options:

Print this help and exit program.
Generate a 256-level greyscale palette.
Generate a customized 256-level color palette for visualizing segmentations.
Generate a black-and-white palette.

The following examples generates a 256-level greyscale palette.

$ ./genpalette -g256 -o greyscale.gpl

7. Advanced usage examples

8. Example scripts

The palutils distribution includes a number of bash scripts that make use of the utilities in the package. The usage of these scripts is explained below:


Convert an 256-color (or 256-level greyscale) BMP image file to the corresponding VHDL source code for inclusion in the data memory module of the "kaviMIPS" processor.

Usage: | $ ./ <input-base> <output-base> -[c8|c256|g256] <size>

Example: | $ ./ scomet2_8bpp_g scomet2 -c256 8192


Convert an image dump data file (generated by a VHDL simulation) to a 256-color bitmap file.

Usage: | $ ./ <base-name> <x-size> <y-size>

Example: | $ ./ dmem 64 64


Convert an image dump data file (generated by a VHDL simulation, using the traditional format of 8 or 27-color information) to a 256-color bitmap file.

Usage: | $ ./ <base-name> <x-size> <y-size>

Example: | $ ./ dmem 64 64


Apply image processing procedures to BMP files. As of current, adding pseudocolors to greyscale BMP images is the only feature supported.

Usage: | $ ./


A script that creates a font character VHDL ROM from a hex data file. The ROM data (text file) are expected in the following form:


A maximum of 2048 lines (for Spartan-3/3E block RAMs) can be assigned. Output of this process is a VHDL synchronous-read, synchronous-write ROM that can be implemented with a block RAM.

Usage: | $ ./ <font-name>

9. Image formats in palutils

The supported image formats in palutils are:

10. Installation

There exists a quite portable Makefile (Makefile in /src directory). Running make should compile all files: palutils, bmp2any, memgen and genpltenc.

11. Prerequisities