Date: | 2011-07-01 |
Author: | Nikolaos Kavvadias |
Email: | |
Revision: | 0.0.4 (2011-07-01), 0.0.3 (2010-11-29), 0.0.2 (2010-10-11), 0.0.1 (2010-09-05) |
Web site: | |
Copyright: | Nikolaos Kavvadias (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 |
NAC (N-Address Code) is the name of a simplistic imperative programming language with light semantics devised by Nikolaos Kavvadias. Its main use is as an executable/interpretable intermediate representation for compilation frameworks (compilers, high-level synthesis tools, etc).
NAC statements are either labels, n-address instructions or procedure calls.
A label is formatted as follows:
An n-address instruction is actually the specification of a mapping from a set of n ordered inputs to a set of m ordered outputs. An n-address instruction (or else termed as an {m, n}-NAC) is formatted as follows:
Similarly, a procedure call, which is a non-atomic operation is formatted as follows, in order to distinguished from an atomic operation:
For a procedure without input and output arguments, the following notation is used to distinguish it from an atomic operation with no arguments:
NAC is a typed language. This means all declared objects (global variables, constants, local variables, input and output procedure arguments) have a type specification. Data types in NAC are classified in the following categories:
As of 2010-11-29, there is initial support for the SIGNED_FIXED_POINT and UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT data types. Support for UNSIGNED_INTEGER and SIGNED_INTEGER data types is considered mature.
In NAC parlance, the following keywords are used:
Please note that the use of constant (declaration of a globally-visible constant value) has been discontinued and will not be supported in the future.
The NAC programming language is extensible, meaning that the grammar accepts user-specific instruction mnemonics.
A common set of NAC instructions is listed below, along with the corresponding format and description.
No-operation: nop
Performs no action at all.
Move operand: mov
dst1 <= mov src1;
Copy the contents of operand src1 to dst1.
Load constant: ldc
dst1 <= ldc cnst1;
Copy the value of cnst1 to operand dst1.
Unconditional jump: jmpun
S_dst1 <= jmpun;
Jump to label S_dst1.
Conditional jump: jmpeq, jmpne``, jmplt, jmple``, jmpgt, jmpge``
S_TRGT, S_TRGF <= jmpzz src1, src2;
- zz can be one of the following:
- eq: jump if equal
- ne: jump if not equal
- lt: jump if less than
- le: jump if less than or equal
- gt: jump if greater than
- ge: jump if greater than or equal
- src1, src2 are the instruction source operands
- S_TRGT, S_TRGF, are the target addresses for a true and false condition, respectively
Binary logical instructions: and, ior, xor, nand, nor, xnor
dst1 <= <mnemonic> src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- and: Logical AND
- ior: Logical inclusive-OR
- xor: Logical exclusive-OR
- nand: Logical NAND
- nor: Logical NOR
- xnor: Logical XNOR
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Unary logical instruction: not
dst1 <= not src1;
Copy the 1's-complement of operand src1 to dst1.
Binary arithmetic instructions: add, sub
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- add: 2's-complement addition
- sub: 2's-complement subtraction
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Unary arithmetic instructions: neg
dst1 <= neg src1;
Copies the negated version of src1 to dst1.
Quaternary multiplexing instruction: mux
dst1 <= muxzz src1, src2, src3, src4;
- zz can be one of the following:
- eq: jump if equal
- ne: jump if not equal
- lt: jump if less than
- le: jump if less than or equal
- gt: jump if greater than
- ge: jump if greater than or equal
- src1, src2, are the source operands compared: if (src1 zz src2)
- src3 is the copy operand when the comparison evaluates to TRUE
- src4 is the copy operand when the comparison evaluates to FALSE
- dst1 is the destination operand
- NOTE: A muxzz is equivalent to the following C code:
if (src1 zz src2) { // zz is either "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", or ">=" dst1 = src3; } else { dst1 = src4; }
Set on comparison instruction: set
dst1 <= setzz src1, src2;
- zz can be one of the following:
- eq: jump if equal
- ne: jump if not equal
- lt: jump if less than
- le: jump if less than or equal
- gt: jump if greater than
- ge: jump if greater than or equal
- src1, src2, are the source operands compared: src1 zz src2
- src3 is the copy operand when the comparison evaluates to TRUE
- src4 is the copy operand when the comparison evaluates to FALSE
- dst1 is the destination operand (gets a value either 0 or 1).
- NOTE: A setzz is equivalent to the following C code:
``dst1 = (src1 zz src2); // zz is either "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", or ">="
Complex unary arithmetic instructions: abs
dst1 <= abs src1;
Copies the absolute value of src1 to dst1.
Complex binary arithmetic instructions: max, min
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- max: Assign the maximum of src1 and src2 to dst1
- min: Assign the minimum of src1 and src2 to dst1
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Shift instructions: shl, shr
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- shl: Logical left shift of src1 by the amount stored in src2, with the result copied to dst1
- shr: Either logical or arithmetic (depending on the operand data types) shift of src1 by the amount stored in src2, with the result copied to dst1
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Rotate instructions: rotl, rotr
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- rotl: Left rotation of the value of src1 by the amount stored in src2, with the result copied to dst1
- rotr: Right rotation of the value of src1 by the amount stored in src2, with the result copied to dst1
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Multiplication instructions: mul
dst1 <= mul src1, src2;
Multiplies the contents of src1 and src2 and copies the (possibly truncated) result to dst1.
Combined division-modulus instructions: divrem
dst1, dst2 <= divrem src1, src2;
Divides the contents of src1 and src2 and copies the quotient to dst1 and the remainder to dst2.
Division instructions: div, rem
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- div: Divides the contents of src1 and src2 and copies the quotient to dst1
- rem: Divides the contents of src1 and src2 and copies the remainder to dst1
- src1, src2 are the source operands
- dst1 is the destination operand
Data type/bitwidth conversion instructions: zxt, sxt, trunc
dst1 <= mnemonic src1;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- zxt: Zero-extends src1 to the (larger) bitwidth of dst1
- sxt: Sign-extends src1 to the (larger) bitwidth of dst1
- trunc: Truncates src1 to the (smaller) bitwidth of dst1
- src1 is the source operand
- dst1 is the destination operand
Bit manipulation instructions: bitins, bitext
dst1 <= mnemonic src1, src2, src3;
- mnemonic can be one of the following:
- bitins: Insert a bitvector denoted by the downto range [src2..src3] of src1 to dst1
- bitext: Extract a bitvector denoted by the downto range [src2..src3] from src1 and assign it to dst1
- src1 is the source operand
- src2 are two source operands (constant or variables) that denote the downto range. The runtime numerical value of src2 must be larger or equal to src3, and within the range of dst1
- dst1 is the destination operand
These instructions define bitfield insertion and extraction primitives. They can also be defined for fixed-point operands given additional constraints.
Load variable from array: load
dst1 <= load src1, src2;
Loads the contents of array src1 from the absolute address src2 to the variable dst1.
Store variable to array: store
dst1 <= store src1, src2;
Stores the value of variable src1 to address src2 of array dst1.
This is a proposed list of extension operators for use with UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT and SIGNED_FIXED_POINT variables.
Conversion from integer to fixed-point format: i2ufx, i2sfx
dst1 <= i2zfx src1;
- z can be one of the following:
- u: conversion to the ufixed (UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT) format
- s: conversion to the sfixed (SIGNED_FIXED_POINT) format
- src1 is the source operand
- dst1 is the destination operand
Converts an integer to a fixed-point number without loss of precision.
Conversion from fixed-point to integer format: ufx2i, sfx2i
dst1 <= zfx2i src1;
- z can be one of the following:
- u: conversion to the ufixed (UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT) format
- s: conversion to the sfixed (SIGNED_FIXED_POINT) format
- src1 is the source operand
- dst1 is the destination operand
Converts a fixed-point number to an integer. In case of a non-zero fractional part of the fixed-number, truncation occurs. The type of the integer result (UNSIGNED_INTEGER or SIGNED_INTEGER) must be compatible to the type of the fixed-point input argument to assure a proper conversion.
Resize instruction: resize
dst1 <= resize src1, src2, src3;
- src1 is the source fixed-point operand
- src2, src3 are numerical values (integers) that denote the new size (high-to-low range) of the resulting fixed-point operand
- dst1 is the destination fixed-point operand
Fixed-point rounding instructions: ceil, fix, floor, round, nearest, convergent
dst1 <= mnemonic src1;
- src1 is the source operand
- dst1 is the destination operand
These operations are used to performing rounding of fixed-point operands with different criteria. They emulate the behavior of corresponding MATLAB intrinsic functions. Rounding behavior is summarized as follows:
- ceil: round towards plus infinity.
- fix: round towards zero.
- floor: round towards minus infinity.
- round: round to nearest; ties to greatest absolute value.
- nearest: round to nearest; ties to plus infinity.
- convergent: round to nearest; ties to closest even.
For simplifying programming in the NAC language, a set of macroinstructions are available:
A) Automatic replacement of incomplete conditional jumps: The pattern
S_TRUE <= jmpxx opnd1, opnd2;
is replaced by:
S_TRUE, S_FALSE <= jmpxx opnd1, opnd2;S_FALSE:
Label S_FALSE is generated only if it doesn't already exist.
B) Addition of "forgotten" unconditional jumps. The pattern:
is replaced by:
no-jump-instruction;LABEL <= jmpun;LABEL:
A NAC program can be specified in a single source file that can contain global variable definitions and their initializations, constant declarations, and a list of procedures. Each procedure is comprised of the following: - the procedure name - a list of ordered input arguments - a list of ordered output arguments - a list of localvar declarations - a list of statements (the main NAC subprogram)
The typical NAC program is structured as follows:
<Global variable declarations> procedure <name-1> ( <comma-separated input arguments>, <comma-separated output arguments> ) { <Local variable declarations> <NAC labels, instructions and procedure calls> } ... procedure <name-n> ( <comma-separated input arguments>, <comma-separated output arguments> ) { <Local variable declarations> <NAC labels, instructions and procedure calls> }
Since version 0.0.3 the declarations of constant items has been removed, and for this reason constant items are recognized by scanning through the NAC program prior any actual further manipulations (e.g. code generation). A small set of simple rules are used for data type inference of constant values:
1. When a constant appears in an "ldc" or "store" operation, it obtains the type of the result operand.
2. When a constant appears in any other operation, then it obtains the type of the first input operand. This assumes that the constant appears only as the second, third or fourth input operand for this operation.
Here follows the BNF-style grammar specification for the NAC programming language.
This grammar uses the notation of the YACC/Bison parser generators.
%token T_LPAREN T_RPAREN T_LBRACE T_RBRACE T_LBRACKET T_RBRACKET %token T_COMMA T_COLON T_SEMI T_ASSIGN T_EQUAL %token T_PROCEDURE T_LOCALVAR T_GLOBALVAR T_CONSTANT T_IN T_OUT %token T_ID %start nac_top %% nac_top : procedure_list | globalvar_def procedure_list ; globalvar_def : globalvar_prefix id_list T_SEMI | globalvar_def globalvar_prefix id_list T_SEMI ; globalvar_prefix : T_GLOBALVAR type_spec ; procedure_def : procedure_prefix T_LPAREN arg_list T_RPAREN T_LBRACE stmt_list T_RBRACE | procedure_prefix T_LPAREN arg_list T_RPAREN T_LBRACE localvar_list stmt_list T_RBRACE ; procedure_list : procedure_def | procedure_list procedure_def ; procedure_prefix : T_PROCEDURE id ; localvar_list : localvar_prefix id_list T_SEMI | localvar_list localvar_prefix id_list T_SEMI ; localvar_prefix : T_LOCALVAR type_spec ; stmt_list : /* empty */ | stmt_list stmt ; stmt : nac | pcall | label ; nac : opnd_out_list assign_op id opnd_in_list T_SEMI | opnd_out_list assign_op id T_SEMI | id opnd_in_list T_SEMI | id T_SEMI ; pcall : T_LPAREN opnd_out_list T_RPAREN assign_op id T_LPAREN opnd_in_list T_RPAREN T_SEMI | T_LPAREN opnd_out_list T_RPAREN assign_op id T_SEMI | id T_LPAREN opnd_in_list T_RPAREN T_SEMI | T_LPAREN T_RPAREN assign_op id T_LPAREN T_RPAREN T_SEMI ; assign_op : T_ASSIGN ; label : id T_COLON ; opnd_out_list : id_list ; opnd_in_list : id_list ; arg_list : /* empty */ | arg_in | arg_out | arg_list T_COMMA arg_in | arg_list T_COMMA arg_out ; arg_in : T_IN type_spec id ; arg_out : T_OUT type_spec id ; id_list : id | id_list T_COMMA id ; id : T_ID ; type_spec : T_ID ;
This grammar follows the EBNF notation as used by N. Wirth.
nac_top = {gvar_def} {proc_def}. gvar_def = "globalvar" anum decl_item_list ";". proc_def = "procedure" [anum] "(" [arg_list] ")" "{" [{lvar_decl}] [{stmt}] "}". stmt = nac | pcall | id ":". nac = [id_list "<="] anum [id_list] ";". pcall = ["(" id_list ")" "<="] anum ["(" id_list ")"] ";". id_list = id {"," id}. decl_item_list = decl_item {"," decl_item}. decl_item = (anum | uninitarr | initarr). arg_list = arg_decl {"," arg_decl}. arg_decl = ("in" | "out") anum (anum | uninitarr). lvar_decl = "localvar" anum decl_item_list ";". initarr = anum "[" id "]" "=" "{" numer {"," numer} "}". uninitarr = anum "[" [id] "]". anum = (letter | "_") {letter | digit}. id = anum | ["-"] numeric. numeric = (integer | fxpnum). fxpnum = [integer] "." integer. integer = digit {digit}.
eda.nac is the N-address code (NAC) implementation for a 2D Euclidean distance approximation algorithm given by the equation: eda = MAX(0.875*x+0.5*y, x) where x = MAX(|a|,|b|), y = MIN(|a|,|b|).
procedure eda (in s16 in1, in s16 in2, out u16 out1) { localvar u16 x, y, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7; localvar s16 a, b; S_1: a <= mov in1; b <= mov in2; t1 <= abs a; t2 <= abs b; x <= max t1, t2; y <= min t1, t2; t3 <= shr x, 3; t4 <= shr y, 1; t5 <= sub x, t3; t6 <= add t4, t5; t7 <= max t6, x; out1 <= mov t7; }
fibo.nac is the N-address code (NAC) implementation for the iterative version of Fibonacci series computation.
procedure fibo(in u31 n, out u31 outp) { localvar u31 res, x; localvar u31 f0, f1, f, k; LL0: x <= mov n; f0 <= ldc 0; f1 <= ldc 1; res <= mov f0; S_EXIT, LL1 <= jmple x, 0; LL1: res <= mov f1; S_EXIT, LL2 <= jmpeq x, 1; LL2: k <= ldc 2; LL3 <= jmpun; LL3: f <= add f1, f0; f0 <= mov f1; f1 <= mov f; res <= mov f; k <= add k, 1; LL3, S_EXIT <= jmple k, x; S_EXIT: outp <= mov res; }
The following computes the sum of the elements of array arr[10], that is the sum of the first ten primes.
globalvar s32 arr[10]={2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,27}; procedure main (in s32 in1, out s32 out1) { localvar s32 D_1963; localvar s32 i; localvar s32 sum; L0001: sum <= ldc 0; i <= ldc 0; D_1221 <= jmpun; D_1220: i0 <= mov i; D_1963 <= load arr, i; sum <= add sum, D_1963; i <= add i, 1; D_1221 <= jmpun; D_1221: D_1220, D_1222 <= jmplt i, in1; D_1222: out1 <= mov sum; }
Here follows a list of suggestions for easier programming and code generation in NAC.
And some notes clarifying some issues for potential hardware implementations.